ChessTempo nie mogłoby funkcjonować, bez ciężkiej pracy wielu ludzi, a wśród nich tłumaczy, dostawców oprogramowania strony trzeciej, oprawy artystycznej i dźwięków, którymi strona się wspiera.
- Chinese - zoushen, rincle
- Holenderzy - netborg, phdevos, renay, rozebottel
- Francuzi - kharv, anti, arna, antoyo, najull
- Włosi - andreacoda, igrino
- Polacy - mrbear, alefzero, szarlej
- Portugalczycy - alvarofrota, dahora
- Hiszpanie - tornado
- Turcy - philiposi
- Rosjanie - muifel, jed1,bot_vinnik
- Niemcy - lehrerfreund, c.h.andas, christoph
- Szwedzi - msiipola, chessexplorer
- Grecy - Philothei Chess Club, led by Vassilis
Oprogramowanie otwartego źródła
Strony Chesstempo zawierają pracę kilku projektów otwartych źródeł. Zobacz proszę lista oprogramowania i licencji tutaj.
Tydzień w Szachach (TwS)
Mark Crowther pracuje nieustannie, od wielu lat, nad stworzeniem kolekcji tygodniowych zestawień wyników partii, z głównych turniejów na świecie. Bez pracy Marka, którą dystrybuuje w internecie za darmo, nasz baza partii byłaby znacznie mniejsza.Mark zapewnia dostęp do turniejów na żywo, wiadomości szachowe oraz wiele innych wartościowych serwisów na:
Zdjęcia figur
- The Belladonna, Amarena, Padre, Cielo, Ebony and Ivory, Letters, Cardinal, Gioco, Governor, Maestro, and Staunty pieces were all created by Sad Knight. The latter 5 were first available on lichess, and provided by Sad Knight directly to Chesstempo under a different license. Sad Knight also provided the SVG version of Armando H. Marroquín's Condal set and created several new board images, including the Porcelain Green, Glass Orange, Marble Green 2, Marble Red, Mint, Blue Plastic, Wood Pine 2, Wood Cherry Maple and Wood Walnut boards. You can follow Sad Knight on instagram.
- Bierki Kosal zostały stworzone przez Philatype. Zobacz i stronę Philatype w
- Bierki szachowe typu: Celtic, Eyes, Fantasy, Spatial i Skulls zostały stworzone przez Maurizio Monge'a - zobacz
- Bierki typu Wiki zostały stworzone przez Colina Burnetta (Details at Colin's wikipedia page).
- Podziękowania dla Erica Bentzena, za pozwolenie używania wzorów bierek szachowych typu Berlin i Alpha oraz dla Felixa Klinga za pozwolenie nam używania cieniowanych bierek szachowych typu Merida i Good Companion
- Ponowne podziękowania dla Gorgoniana, który wsparł wersje SVG o kilka zestawów bierek. Możesz zobaczyć więcej jego pracy na stronie Strona szachowa Gorgoniana
- Inne cechy bierek pochodzą od Armando H. Marroquín (Condal, Kingdom, Leipzig, Merida), Matthieu Leschemelle (Case) i David L. Brown (Good Companion).
Inne obrazy
Zdjęcia bloga
MistakeEndgame image - Photo by Piotr Makowski on Unsplash
Book image - Icon from Fabián Alexis
Wzory szachownicy
Większość wzorów użytych do wyświetlania pól szachownic zostało wykorzystanych z Spiral Graphics Inc. lub CG Textures.
Ikony gier -
Twitter Icons
Ikona diamentowa jest licencjonowana wg CC BY 4.0 Images
- Book shelf books - Photo by Alfons Morales on Unsplash
Projekty przedmiotów -
- Tick - Check by Lloyd Humphreys from the Noun Project
- Streak badge - counting by Magicon from the Noun Project
- Streak badge 2 - Fire by Hello Many from the Noun Project
- Upset badge - scales by Sergey Demushkin from the Noun Project
- All time high badge - champion by Nicolas Vicent from the Noun Project
- Total time badge - Total Time by Prasad Ghone from the Noun Project
- Calendar total badge - Calendar by Simple Icons from the Noun Project
- Comment Like badge - comment by Sergey Demushkin from the Noun Project
- Material search badge - Chess by Juan Pablo Bravo from the Noun Project
- Endgame symbol - Chess by EliRatus from the Noun Project
- Play chess symbol - board game by Piotrek Chuchla from the Noun Project
- GTM symbol - Question Mark Pawn by Till Teenck from the Noun Project
- Blitz Symbol - Lightning Bolt by Cezary Rudaś from the Noun Project
- Bullet Symbol - Bullet by Lucid Formation from the Noun Project
- Rapid Symbol - Stopwatch by Ilsur Aptukov from the Noun Project
- Long Symbol - Snail by aLf from the Noun Project
- Correspondence Symbol - envelope by Arthur Shlain from the Noun Project
- Mixed symbol - combine by Stephen Plaster from the Noun Project
- Theory symbol - Book by Ryzhkov Anton from the Noun Project
- Practice symbol - evacuation by Arthur Shlain from the Noun Project
- Hour symbol - timing by Hugo Heneault from the Noun Project
- Day symbol - One Day by Muneer A.Safiah from the Noun Project
- Week symbol - One Week by Muneer A.Safiah from the Noun Project
- Month symbol - One Month by Muneer A.Safiah from the Noun Project
- Year symbol - Candle by Pham Thi Dieu Linh from the Noun Project
- All Time High Rating - Graph by Simple Icons from the Noun Project
- Add favourite - Heart by Oleg Frolov from the Noun Project
- Rating Range - range by Arthur Shlain from the Noun Project
- Attempt filter - Repeat by Arthur Shlain from the Noun Project
- Motif filter - strategy by Garrett Knoll from the Noun Project
- Opening filter - Data Filter by Andrew Forrester from the Noun Project
- Board Setup - Tactics Based by Till Teenck from the Noun Project
- Load Game PGN - Load by Mundo from the Noun Project
- Training Target - goal by Dima Lagunov from the Noun Project
- Gold Membership - gold by Creative Stall from the Noun Project
- Diamond Membership - Diamond by Numero Uno from the Noun Project
- CPU Threads - CPU by icon 54 from the Noun Project
- Run Badge - Runner by Em L from the Noun Project
- Tactical Wizard - Wizard by Wes Breazell from the Noun Project
- Einstein - Einstein by Roman Rusinov from the Noun Project
- Guru - Guru by Jasmine White from the Noun Project
- Prodigy - Brain by Blake Ferguson from the Noun Project
- Steamroller - Steamroller by Mike Ashley from the Noun Project
- Tactical Monster - Monster by Joel McKinney from the Noun Project
- Opening Beast - bigfoot by Mat Rutherford from the Noun Project
- Opening Master - Yoga Master by Symbolon from the Noun Project
- Opening Symbol - Book by Julia Simplicio from the Noun Project
- Opening Star - Star by kareemovic from the Noun Project
- Ninja - Ninja by Jonathan Gibson from the Noun Project
- Raptor - raptor by Raf Verbraeken from the Noun Project
- Underdog - Dog by Isabel Foo from the Noun Project
- Time bomb - Time Bomb by Mister Pixel from the Noun Project
- Time Flies - Time Flies by Andreas Wikström from the Noun Project
- Time Lord - Tardis by Arancha R from the Noun Project
- Time Warp - Black Hole by Rohit Arun Rao from the Noun Project
- Mountain Climber - Mountain Climber by Juan Pablo Bravo from the Noun Project
- Finish Line - finish line by Luis Prado from the Noun Project
- Endgame Feature Icon - Chess by Creative Stall from the Noun Project
- Tactics Feature Icon - Target by Ricardo Moreira from the Noun Project
- Database Feature Icon - database by Rockicon from the Noun Project
- Play online Feature Icon - chess move by icon 54 from the Noun Project
- GTM Feature Icon - problem by Gregor Črešnar from the Noun Project
- Serve Icon - Waiter by Creative Stall from the Noun Project
- Resign Icon - Checkmate by Luis Prado from the Noun Project
- Add Image - Add photo by Alice Design from the Noun Project
- Motifs image - Tactics by Vectors Point, PK from the Noun Project
- Chess book with board - strategy by corpus delicti from the Noun Project
- Book edit - books cover editing by Maxicons from the Noun Project
- Book Brain - knowledge by Eucalyp from the Noun Project
- Solution icon - solution by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project
- E-learning icon - e learning by Mello from the Noun Project
The mate names in our list of named checkmates was initially inspired by the list at We are proud to see that several of the mate names suggested by our users (in particular interlist), and seen for the first time on Chesstempo have since made their way onto the Wikipedia list of checkmate patterns.
Sometimes we see ideas on other sites that have inspired features on Chesstempo. This section lists some of these.- Chess Tactics Server (aka - Now no longer available, CTS was the first place we know of to implement the idea of rating chess puzzles via a chess rating system by treating solving activity in the same way as matches between players. Work on Chesstempo was already well progressed when we first became aware of CTS (which predated CT by several years), but we hadn't finalised our scoring and difficulty grading system. Upon seeing how elegantly CTS's rating system worked, we borrowed the idea of treating puzzles and human solvers as opponents. Implementing our own version for use on Chesstempo, we supplemented CTS's timed solving with an untimed mode, and thus "blitz" and "standard" modes on Chesstempo were born. CTS was developed by members of the Berlin based SG Hermsdorf chess club (now part of the SK CAÏSSA & Spielgemeinschaft Hermsdorf club).